Did you know hundreds of endangered species are victims of illegal wildlife trafficking? Did you also know that inappropriate social media content is fueling the trade?
Sometimes, it seems as though the demand for the fur, horns, and bones of endangered species will not cease until there are no more of these animals left in the world.
Help Dr. Jane, the Jane Goodall Institute global chapters and Roots & Shoots members around the world save species from extinction by ending the demand for illegal wildlife. Join ForeverWild #4EverWild, a campaign to spread awareness about wildlife trafficking and the role inappropriate social media photos and videos play in fueling the demand. By using the enormous power of social media for good, we can turn one voice into the voice of millions to end wildlife trafficking and harmful representations.
Do This 1-Click
Raise your voice! Help spread the word by supporting positive social media photos and videos. Let us know you’re doing this 1-Click by filling out the form below and then scroll to the action that follows!