Zachary R.

2024 Roots & Shoots Youth Council
Jane Goodall Institute USA
“I am really interested in working with students and leaders from across the country who come from a diverse array of backgrounds and experiences that can help me widen my perspective and expose me to ideas and concerns that I might not have otherwise considered.”

Grade: Senior in Calabasas, California

History with Roots & Shoots: Three years with Roots & Shoots

Roots & Shoots Group: Calabasas High School Roots & Shoots

Zachary is a senior from Calabasas, California. This is his first year on the National Youth Leadership Council. His favorite Roots & Shoots project was the construction of owl boxes for Calabasas High School’s Coyote Trail, which provided an alternative to rodenticides. His group built four owl boxes from scratch and installed them on his school campus, as well as removed all bait boxes from campus. Zachary is passionate about protecting the environment, especially regarding community education on responsible “pest” management and the dangerous effects of pesticides on the local food chain. In addition to serving on the NYLC, Zachary serves as the Student Commissioner on the city of Calabasas’s Environmental Commission, a Board Member on the city of Calabasas’s Mayor’s Youth Council, founding member of LVUSD’s Climate Action Leadership Program, and an LVUSD Community 360 Volunteer Tutor.

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