
2024 Roots & Shoots Youth Council
Jane Goodall Institute USA
“I want to do all I can to repair our world. I want to utilize this incredible opportunity, where I will be connected with fellow elite Roots & Shoots students across America to help repair the world collectively.”

Grade: Sophomore at UC Santa Barbara

Roots & Shoots History: Four years with Roots & Shoots

Noah is a sophomore at UC Santa Barbara. This is his fourth year on the National Youth Leadership Council. He is a recent graduate of Calabasas High School, where he led their Roots & Shoots Club. Two of his favorite projects included making Calabasas High School a National Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat and getting the mayor of Calabasas to sign the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge. Noah has also served as the student member of the City of Calabasas Environmental Commission. Noah has infectious energy and enjoys motivating other students to care for the environment as much as he does.

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