
  I have always had the desire to start my own business, to be my own boss.   I’ve also always yearned to volunteer and be of service to the “at…
  • Active 4 years ago






I have always had the desire to start my own business, to be my own boss.   I’ve also always yearned to volunteer and be of service to the “at risk” population in my community.  However, amongst an economical system that strongly urges, border line pressures, young scholars to choose a career before high school graduation.  Get a job, and stay in that one field until retirement, just did not resonate with me.  So, I found a way to merge the two, both my desire and passion.  


I have created a company that assists others in developing businesses.  And recently, we have begun collaborating with various Non Profit organizations, to show their clients how to become self-sufficient and start their own business as well. 


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