Bluff Dale Bobcats’ Dream Garden

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  • Location
    Bluff Dale, Texas
  • Status
    active 1 year, 1 month ago
  • Age Level
    4 and Under
    5 to 7 Years
    8 to 10 Years
  • Group Type
    K-12 School

Group Description

Our mission for our school garden is to make a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and our community. To create a love for learning and healthy habits. To allow our students to pour their hearts into this garden and reap the benefits of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs and experience the joy of helping others. This garden will be a mixture of edible parts and a native pollinator habitat. We are excited to create a lasting habitat for wildlife and to enhance the environment, all while providing fresh healthy food for all around us. These students have the most loving and caring hearts and we are dreaming BIG of making a difference now and for generations to come. The garden will be an outdoor learning classroom for all of the Bluff Dale School and community to enjoy. We will learn with nature and grow alongside it.

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