Emma H.

2024 Roots & Shoots Youth Council
Jane Goodall Institute USA

State: North Carolina
Years on RSYC: 2021–2024

Emma is a dedicated Roots & Shoots member who loves working with kids and cultivating environmental awareness.

One of her impactful projects, “Bracelets for the Environment,” involved tabling at ClydeFest, a children’s folk art festival, for a second year, reaching local children and encouraging environmental stewardship.

Fellow council member Virginia joined Emma at Clydefest to engage parents and children while introducing them to Roots & Shoots.

Beyond her environmental pursuits, Emma enjoys reading historical fiction, spending time with her regal cat Aurora Gray, and listening to music, particularly Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey.

Discussing her plans for the year ahead, Emma says, “I really enjoy talking to and working with kids and want to do more of that in the future.”

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