
My name is Sarah and I am a 7th grade change maker. I am active in my community helping the homeless adults and children, students with special needs, elderly and…
  • Active 4 years, 4 months ago





My name is Sarah and I am a 7th grade change maker. I am active in my community helping the homeless adults and children, students with special needs, elderly and protecting the environment here in Rhode Island.

I serve the homeless and provide them with toiletries throughout the year. I started a blessing bag program in my community which created hundreds of “blessing toilet tree bags” and passed them out to individuals in need. I participate in unified fitness helping special needs children develop confidence. I started a beach clean up to collect balloons and trash to protect the endangered seagulls and turtles in our state. I have educated students in my community about the endangered turtles in Rhode Island. I run lemonade stands in Rhode Island and donate the money to those in need. I look forward to continuing to be a change maker in my state!

Grade Level

7th Grade

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