Victoria Solano

Victoria is a Senior in Huntington, New York. This is her third year with the National Youth Leadership Council. She is a globally conscious advocate of human rights and constantly…
  • Active 1 month, 1 week ago



Victoria Solano


Victoria is a Senior in Huntington, New York. This is her third year with the National Youth Leadership Council. She is a globally conscious advocate of human rights and constantly strives to better the condition of the less fortunate through leadership and projects. She is a natural-born leader with a teamwork mentality who is currently part of the Pre-University program of Columbia University studying the Law of Race, Class, Poverty, and Power and is currently working on a project that will enable her to give back to her Mexican roots by helping the women in need who face inequity due to their lack of money, native origins, and the discrimination they go through. She has always lived near the water and is part of the Friends of the Bay organization which hosts beach cleanups and presentations to give awareness to sea-life every week. In her free time, she loves to play sports such as volleyball and crew and loves to read books such as the Red Queen, paint portraits, and crochet blankets.

School/Organization Name

Our Lady of Mercy Academy

Grade Level

12th Grade

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