Monica M Carr

Hi, eco-friends, my name is Monica. I've been a elementary school teacher for about 29 years. That's 6 years of K-8th students with Special Needs, 13 years of general ed…
  • Active 3 years, 9 months ago



Monica M Carr


Hi, eco-friends, my name is Monica. I’ve been a elementary school teacher for about 29 years. That’s 6 years of K-8th students with Special Needs, 13 years of general ed (Kindergarten, 2nd grade, &  4th/5th grade Science), and 10 years of subbing. I am passionate about Ecology and Science. I received the Science teacher of the year award in Los Angeles Unified School District and did a presentation at the Annual Science Fair. I lead the Earth Day Celebrations (over a few weeks) at three different schools. At each of those schools, we planted 100 Seedlings (on campus and into the community), we built decomposition bins and gardens, wild grasses, frog ponds, and owl houses. I also led the development of an OWL Site (Outdoor Wildlife Site) at an elementary school in inner-city Wichita, Kansas. I have started up the Recycling Program at five different school districts in California, Ohio, and Kansas. Now, I am trying to open an Alternative Leaning Environmental Youth Center connected with the Roots and Shoots Program in Central Coast, California. We are seeking funding in order to develop this new Center.

School/Organization Name

Alternative Learning Environmental Youth Center

Grade Level

Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Other

Grade Level - Other


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