Lotus Kay

Lotus Kay is an author and writer who has been published in a variety of media outlets such as Thrive Global, American Vegan Magazine, Green Child Magazine, New Leaves, Light…
  • Active 3 years, 1 month ago



Lotus Kay


Lotus Kay is an author and writer who has been published in a variety of media outlets such as Thrive Global, American Vegan Magazine, Green Child Magazine, New Leaves, Light of Consciousness, and Voya: Voice of Youth Advocates. She is a recipient of a grant from Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots program for her work creating an educational campaign with her sister Jazmin  called Bears for Cares to help children around the world understand the state of wildlife and endangered species by gifting educational children’s books and stuffed animals that are characters in the books. She is the author of the children’s books More Beautiful Than Heaven,  Billie the Octopus,  A Thanksgiving for the Turkeys and Jenny the Chimpanzee which reminds us of how interconnected and similar we are to our fellow animal friends.


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