Cal Oregon Gardens is a nonprofit landscape committee based in West Linn, Oregon, that is developing a 1+ acre educational West Linn Display Garden at 28865 SW Petes Mountain Road in West Linn featuring many drought tolerant and pollinator friendly plants, shrubs and trees. We are a local affiliate of the Fleuroselect international garden organization. We are working on the development and maintenance of the Display Garden as a member of the Hardy Plant Society of Oregon and hope to include it in the future in the Open Gardens Visitor Program of the Society. Cal Oregon Gardens previously helped in the development and maintenance of the City of Oakland’s educational Gateway Garden surrounding the Gateway Emergency Preparedness Exhibit Center and also the Firestorm Memorial Garden in the Oakland hills, and still supports the work of the Garden Committee of the 3500-home North Hills Community Association in developing/maintaining these two large public gardens. The West Linn Display Garden will feature many drought tolerant and pollinator friendly plants helping to support threatened pollinators. Cal Oregon Gardens also participates in the World Wide Opportunities in Organic Farms (WWOOF) Visitor Program as a host farm, and this year worked with WWOOF volunteers in planting 1000 iris rhizomes in Cal Oregon Gardens’ West Linn Display Garden. This year Cal Oregon Gardens developed a fenced plant growing area with 10 large raised bed planters and 21 grow trays in the Display Garden, and is now working on developing and adding plants in a series of new garden beds.