Voice Your Views for Climate Justice

Write Your Reps to Fight Climate Injustice.

Flex the power of words to motivate people in a position of power to help combat climate injustice.

Write your representatives! The climate crisis threatens all life on Earth. From an increase in natural disasters, flooding, wildfires, to drought, forced displacement, food scarcity, habitat and biodiversity loss – the climate crisis is devastating human communities, wildlife and the natural world we share.

Do This 1-Click

To do something about the climate crisis,  type in your zip code using the button below for a list of your house representatives. View each representative’s page and use their contact information to email them with the urgent need to address climate change today. Feel free to use the template below! Let us know you’re doing this 1-Click by filling out the form below and then scroll to the action that follows!

Write Your Reps

Find a list of your house representatives.
Find My Representatives

Template Letter

Use this template to write your representatives about climate injustice.
Get the Template

Level Up

  • Now that you have your representative’s info, double down and give them a phone call to share your feelings directly! The more they hear it, the more likely they are to do something.
  • Increase the reach of your story by sharing on social media with the hashtag: #RSPeaceChallenge @rootsandshoots

Explore More 1-Clicks!

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