Winter Homes for Local Wildlife

  • Location
    Ronkonkoma, New York
  • Status

The Problem

Our school science classes would like to investigate winter homes / shelters for our local wildlife on Long Island, NY. We are prepared to build shelters or place feeding areas for our local wildlife. We will research first the animals we have living in our community ( example: Little Brown Bats, Eastern Grey Squirrel, Cardinal etc. ). Then we will complete the building and placement on our school grounds ( about 3 acres ). This would be our current " Winter Season Project ". We hope to expand in the Spring season to grow vegetables on site and designate an area as " GIVE BACK TO NATURE " - a totally uncultivated area for wildlife.

Our Plan

It will be a class ( Grades 5,6,7 and 8 ) project. Research then production. We plan on starting in mid to late November, 2015.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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