Sharing childhood with our friends in Ethiopia

  • Location
    Arba Minch
  • Status

The Problem

A large majority of children living in Ethiopia are considered tolive in extreme poverty. This means their families live on less than $1.75 a day. An rganization, Love For Ethiopia is working with these children to help get them fed, in school and the medical care they need. This will help the children to break their cycles of poverty and help the families. At the foundation Academy, the children are partnering with Love For Ethiopia to send care packages, videos of dances and different projects that they are doing and in gerneral love on the children in Ethiopia. When the director of Love For Ethiopia goes there they will take the items and videos and share them with the children. The kids there will also share with the kids in Jacksonville Florida. It will be a time to experience the cultural differences but also to bond with other children from a different part of the world.

Our Plan

Some of the classes at The Foundation Academy are studing about the culture and the counrty of Ethiopia. This campaign will help to bring their studies to life. The objective of the campaign is to send latters, artwork and videos to to and from the children at the Foundation Academy and the children that are part of Love For Ethiopia's Arba Minch program.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Indigenous Rights
  • term icon
    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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