Plant seed and grow

  • Location
    Richmond, California
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age
  • Project created by Nikki

The Problem

The problem we face in our community is a lack of togetherness, and unity. My community is built on cancer causing ground adjacent to air pollution such as train ways and freeways. We have a lot of gun violence in my neighborhood so there are a lot of mental health issues involving mothers, children, families, and men these are the victims of violent crimes.

Our Plan

In this action we are planning to sow the seeds of growth in this project. By conducting lessons of team work, self healing, meditation and togetherness. What better way to connect with people than to also connect with nature! Planting positivity in our lives and planting flowers in our neighborhood teaches us how to nurture not only ourselves but one another and other things. I am hoping that we can not only bring beauty into our community but as well as ourselves!

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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    Peace & Safety

The Benefit

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