Overflowing Trash Cans in East Nashville

  • Location
    Nashville, Tennessee
  • Status
  • Age Level
    Any Age

The Problem

The common space shared by Jeni's Ice Cream, Ugly Mugs and Five Daughter Bakery constantly has overflowing trash cans filled with a mix of landfill trash, compostable materials (both food and packaging) and recyclable material. There is no option for consumers to sort these materials into appropriate containers instead sending everything to landfill creating both an unsightly mess as well as an environmental disaster. Reduce the shear volume of waste that is being generated.

Our Plan

Contact business owners and offer assistance with creating a better trash flow system so that compostable and recyclable materials are diverted from landfill. Encourage business owners to start using more compostable materials to replace single use plastics and to encourage customers to use "for here" materials if they are eating/drinking there.

Themes Addressed

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  • term icon
    Zero Waste

The Benefit

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