Greening the Grounds

  • Location
    Los Angeles, California
  • Status

The Problem

"Greening the Grounds" will provide Bancroft's Green Team, composed of 8th grade environmental activists funding to capture the rain, create an edible school garden through the purchase of seeds, and increase awareness about living off the land by reducing one's carbon footprint.

Our Plan

Bancroft Scholars are completing Community Projects this year. All scholars are identifying community challenges and devising action plans to meet current needs. The Green Team is composed of scholars that are concerned about the CA drought and maintaining an edible garden to counter the effects on the environment. This project will allow our scholars the opportunity to transform their research and dreams into action as they install water capturing devices, as well as fuel our school garden. Students and teachers have been working with organizations such as Tree People to increase their knowledge and skillset in addressing these issues. Regular planning sessions and actual hands on work days have allowed for the creation of one native garden and is currently allowing for the development of the edible garden. With funding, the garden beds will soon be filled with leafy greens and rain barrels will be installed to capture this winter's rain. Saturday Greening Days are in the works in order to make these dreams a reality.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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