Friendship Audubon Society

  • Location
    Buford, Georgia
  • Status

The Problem

Our school is surrounded by native trees and bushes, but we rarely see a variety of birds. We are wanting to create bird feeders using a variety of recyclable materials in order to attract birds to our area. By doing this we hope to observe the birds and be able to gain knowledge about their habitats and migration to our area. We will hang our bird feeders in the trees located on our campus and be able to view the birds and collect our data on the birds.

Our Plan

We will know if we are successful by our observations as the birds feed. We will be able to use this to address several of our first grade science standards. Our plan is to collect data on what birds appear, what type of food they prefer, and if different food attracts different birds.

Themes Addressed

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    Community Enhancement
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The Benefit

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