Crafts for Needy Kids

  • Location
    United States
  • Status

The Problem

The goal of this project is three-fold. 1) Children at our school will become aware of other children locally and throughout the world need help and they can help other children. 2) Children participating make a donation to help purchase animals for needy families in other countries through Heifer International. 3) Children create a craft or craft kit for sick children staying at UW American Family Children's Hospital

Our Plan

The children who attend Family Fun Night, April 10, 2014 will each donate $1.00 to make a beaded pipe cleaner bracelet or kit for children in the hospital. Selected classrooms will be staffed with teachers to collect donations and hand out materials. Children and parents will put together the bracelets and kits. A school staff member will send out the total donation check and deliver the bracelets to the hospital.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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