Birthday Party for Homeless Children

  • Location
    Cleveland, Ohio
  • Status

The Problem

So many people take the simple concept of a celebration for granted, while others have never had the chance to celebrate a birthday, a holiday, or an anniversary. Sometimes, celebrations must be placed “on the back burner” so to speak while other, more pressing issues are being addressed—like lack of housing. And yet, there are so many things worth celebrating, and everyone deserves a party!

Our Plan

People experiencing a housing crisis must focus on meeting basic needs—therefore, parties may not be high on the list of priorities. However, this can actually be detrimental to health and wellbeing, especially for children, since socializing enhances mental functioning and lowers stress and anxiety. Having a party is a great opportunity to get to know different people. It’s a fun and easy way to uplift children and families experiencing homelessness—AND for us to become a more connected citizen.

Themes Addressed

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The Benefit

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