RIS Water and Reforestation Project

  • Location
    Chiang Mai surrounding area
  • Status

The Problem

To assist villages in the protected forest lands near Chiang Mai, Thailand in their efforts in tree planting and water conservation activities to both renew and preserve the protected forest lands. The wish is to make a difference in the environment that is evidenced through planting trees, constructing dykes, and establishing water reservoirs. We wish to raise awareness and understanding of the necessity to care for our environment both in the villages we will be working in and in our school community itself.

Our Plan

The first action items in this ongoing project will take place in September. We will organize and participate in two trips in September to the villages we are supporting near Chiang Mai. During our visits we will work in coordination with the Thai forestry department to plant trees in areas designated for reforestation.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Clean Water
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement

The Benefit

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