Fruit-Barring Trees

  • Location
    Northbridge, Massachusetts
  • Status

The Problem

My wish for this project is to get funds for fruit-barring trees. The reason I am looking into fruit-barring trees is to feed the community. Such as supply the local town food pantry with fresh fruits that the students of Northbridge High School will grow and take care of. Another reason is so we know we are growing fresh fruits, not processed or overgrown. It can also feed children at the schools in town.

Our Plan

I plan on getting these trees to produce fruit for the community, and feed the community with healthy options. I have researched what trees would be able to produce the most fruit in New England. The top 5 trees I'd like to receive funding for is Meyer Lemons, Black Cherries, Apples, Navel Oranges, and Peaches. I have lined up on a Document when these fruits would be ready to harvest off of the trees. From my lay out, every month would be able to harvest at least one fruit.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
  • term icon
    Community Enhancement
  • term icon
    Food Choices

The Benefit

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