Finish Your Food Fridays

  • Location
    Summit, New Jersey
  • Status

The Problem

We wanted to reduce the waste in our dining hall. We started with the primary school lunches. First we started Finish Your Food Fridays to encourage our fellow students to finish their food. We wanted to see less in our landfill, recycling and composting cans. We eventually want to have a theme for each day of the week. Our nest one will be Waste Less Wednesdays. There will be no plastic used on Waste Less Wednesdays. Our dining hall staff agreed that nothing will be wrapped in plastic on Wednesdays. For example the bagels will be in a basket with a napkin covering them instead of individually wrapped.

Our Plan

Reduce the amount of garbage in our garbage cans. We have been taking pictures of the amount of waste in all three cans each day at the end of lunch. We hope to see a reduction in amounts. We are still working on this project.

Themes Addressed

  • term icon
    Food Choices
  • term icon

The Benefit

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